NorIreCh08 Northern Ireland Championship Sunday February 10th 2008
Northern Ireland Championship Division A
1Paul Gallen (GM) View 13 11 598 183 204
2Stewart Holden (GM) View 13 10 1029 179 195
3Alex_Gboye Balogun View 13 10 897 157 183
4Mike O'Rourke  13 9 402 152 164
5Mike Evans View 13 9 333 143 165
6Phil Robertshaw (GM) View 13 8 832 190 174
7Rik Kennedy (Exp) View 13 8 556 173 168
8Amy Byrne View 13 8 511 162 160
9Ademola Ajayi View 13 8 475 160 157
10Joseph McGinley View 13 8 329 153 156
11Chris Fenwick View 13 8 168 160 158
12Kevin McMahon (GM) View 13 7 514 188 166
13Gareth Williams (GM) View 13 7 206 176 155
14Christo Davison View 13 7 132 161 159
15Feargal Weatherhead (Exp) View 13 7 114 188 167
16Nuala O'Rourke View 13 7 52 157 153
17Ronan Webb View 13 7 39 144 134
18Siobhan Buckley View 13 7 -47 0 117
19Eileen Meghen View 13 7 -242 143 142
20Pauline Russell View 13 7 -249 116 144
21Kay McColgan View 13 6 333 170 153
22Danny McMullan View 13 6 -13 145 124
23James Corry View 13 6 -167 0 129
24Graham Haigh View 13 6 -412 160 152
25Celine McCart View 13 6 -447 0 124
26Breda O'Brien View 13 6 -567 118 121
27John Morrissey View 13 5.5 -609 0 53
28David Mills View 13 5 13 0 50
29Liam Donnelly View 13 5 -77 0 94
30David Williams View 13 5 -95 142 114
31John Cunningham-Ryan View 13 5 -300 0 50
32John Winick View 13 4.5 -721 0 50
33Anne Lyng View 13 4 -227 116 85
34Phyllis Lambe View 13 4 -230 0 50
35Pauline Weatherhead View 13 4 -398 0 54
36Paula Ryan View 13 4 -739 0 50
37Anne Creaven View 13 3 -589 0 50
38John McCart View 13 2 -1404 50 50
Division A 

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