NewMald04A New Malden Saturday February 28th 2004
New Malden Division A
1Robert Richland (Exp) View 6 5 180 193
2Ed Martin (GM) View 6 5 174 195
3Barry Grossman (Exp) View 6 5 171 187
4Ruth MacInerney View 6 5 157 190
5Terry Kirk (GM) View 6 4 183 173
6Austin Shin (GM) View 6 4 178 177
7Philip Nelkon (GM) View 6 4 176 176
8Steve{Oxford} Perry View 6 4 175 174
9Gary Fox View 6 4 156 183
10Carol Stanley View 6 4 146 173
11Sandie Simonis (Exp) View 6 3.5 170 162
12George Gruner (Exp) View 6 3 187 158
13Kevin Synnott View 6 3 160 155
14Theresa Cole View 6 3 155 162
15Phil Kelly View 6 3 153 166
16Vince Boyle View 6 3 149 162
17Martin Leverton View 6 3 146 166
18Joy Lloyd View 6 3 142 153
19Omar_Malleh Jah View 6 3 0 159
20Bob Berry View 6 2 174 139
21Chris Finlay View 6 2 162 137
22Alan Bailey View 6 2 157 138
23Kim Phipps View 6 2 149 144
24Ann Golding View 6 2 138 122
25Evelyn Wallace View 6 2 135 140
26Stuart Solomons View 6 2 134 131
27David Shenkin View 6 1.5 156 135
28Chrystal Rose View 6 1 150 124
29Brian Bull View 6 1 148 124
30Jean Swallow  6 1 133 117
Division A 

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