UK-Scrabble output for BelfastFeb25

Northern Ireland Championship 2025 16th February 2025 results from Kate Copeland.
15 rounds.

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, Tony Scott's 13-game rating of 126 was reset to a 27-game rating of 109 and the division was recalculated.

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 188 196 189  12  +1139 Kevin McMahon (GM)
  2 180 191 181  11   +816 Stewart Holden (GM)
  3 178 183 179  10   +696 Rik Kennedy (Exp)
  4 173 181 174  10   +678 Brian Po
  5 171 170 171  10   +458 Chris Vicary
  6 167 167 167  10   +115 Robert Richland (Exp)
  7 192 175 189   9   +983 Paul Gallen (GM)
  8 168 162 167   9   +662 Andy Goodwin (Exp)
  9 144 157 147   9   +414 Ronan Dance
 10 137 153 139   9    -60 Elisabeth Jardine
 11 171 153 167   8½  +723 Wayne Kelly (GM)
 12 141 139 141   8   +280 Kathy Richland (14 rated games)
 13 152 142 150   8    +98 Fidelis Olotu (14 rated games)
 14 137 142 137   8    +51 Jim Wilkie
 15 155 157 155   8    -58 Nuala O'Rourke
 16 134 147 136   8    -73 David Mills
 17 122 133 124   8   -130 Joe Caruana (14 rated games)
 18 146 153 146   8   -283 Mark Murray
 19  91 112  98   7   +272 Noel McIlvenny (14 rated games)
 20 121 119 122   7   +172 Jennie Frizelle (14 rated games)
 21 148 119 144   7   +171 Celine McCart (14 rated games)
 22 124 121 125   7   +140 Ed Miliano
 23 130 128 130   7    +15 Sarah-Jane Holden (14 rated games)
 24 142 126 140   7   -164 Amy Byrne (14 rated games)
 25 115 111 115   7   -314 Brian Dillon (14 rated games)
 26 108 116 108   7   -319 Sally Campbell (14 rated games)
 27 113 114 113   6½  -382 Darius Bartlett (14 rated games)
 28 102 112 104   6    +90 Shane Parkes (14 rated games)
 29  98  92  98   6   -761 Kieran Brosnan (14 rated games)
 30  72  76  73   5   -386 Judith Moore (14 rated games)
 31 109  89 106   5   -985 Tony Scott (14 rated games)
 32  66  66  65   4  -1118 June Boagey (14 rated games)
 33 unr  59  59   3  -1440 Greagoir O'Cearbhaill (14 rated games)

updated: February 18 2025 14:12:30.