UK-Scrabble output for NewcastleJun19

Newcastle Matchplay 29th June 2019 results from Craig Beevers (GM).
7 rounds.

Division A

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 135 184 138   6   +416 Colin Nicol (6 rated games)
  2 166 162 166   5   +277 Colin Northmore (6 rated games)
  3 159 163 160   5   +269 Martin Thompson (6 rated games)
  4 158 163 158   5   +213 Matthew Pinner (6 rated games)
  5 146 132 145   3   +184 Cathy Anderson (6 rated games)
  6 141 133 140   3   -135 Laura Finley (6 rated games)
  7 132 101 131   1   -524 Iain Harley (6 rated games)
  8 149   0 149   0   -700 Nick Lynch (0 rated games)

Division B

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 125 143 126   5   +282 Rose Kingdom
  2 124 136 125   4½   +74 Margaret Burdon
  3 130 128 130   4   +108 Geoff Cooper
  4 117 122 118   3½   +55 Christine Tudge
  5 118 115 117   3    +74 Angela Brodie
  6 126 114 125   3   -114 Samantha Beckwith
  7 115 115 115   3   -118 Elisabeth{Clvlnd} Allen
  8 118 101 117   2   -361 Viv Beckmann

Division C

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, Brian Archer's 7-game rating of 79 was reset to a 14-game rating of 91 and the division was recalculated.

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 111 111 112   6  +1058 Rory Kemp
  2  91 103  92   6   +305 Brian Archer
  3  82  76  82   4   -129 Michael Murray
  4  60  63  60   3   -127 Judith Moore
  5  50  63  50   3   -294 June Boagey
  6  50  50  50   2   -171 Lynn Archer
  7  68  50  67   2   -316 Lucy Beckmann
  8  50  50  50   2   -326 Sue Mortimer

updated: June 30 2019 07:33:01.