CotNorth07A Cock of the North - Wirral Tuesday October 9th 2007
Cock of the North - Wirral Division A
1Helen Gipson (GM) View 16 14 1223 84 122
2Martin Harrison (GM) View 16 11 927 84 103
3Wayne Kelly (GM) View 16 11 539 84 103
4Phil Robertshaw (GM) View 16 10 720 84 97
5Paul Burton View 16 10 647 84 97
6Mark Lane View 16 10 -253 84 97
7Theresa Brousson (GM) View 16 9 798 84 90
8Robert Richland (Exp) View 16 9 339 84 90
9Stewart Holden (GM) View 16 9 248 84 90
10Biyi Oyadiran View 16 9 58 84 90
11Azu Ogbogu (Exp) View 16 9 34 84 90
12Chris Harrison View 16 9 -209 84 90
13Mike Whiteoak View 16 8 222 84 84
14Shane O'Neill View 16 8 152 84 84
15Allan Simmons (GM) View 16 8 121 84 84
16Darryl Francis (Exp) View 16 8 81 84 84
17Richard Evans (Exp) View 16 8 77 84 84
18Chris Quartermaine View 16 8 -104 84 84
19Angela Evans View 16 8 -111 84 84
20Brian Sugar (GM) View 16 8 -278 84 84
21Christian Brown View 16 8 -360 84 84
22Peter Thomas View 16 8 -761 84 84
23Mikki Nicholson View 16 7 -33 84 78
24Steve{Oxford} Perry View 16 7 -141 84 78
25Paul{Tranmere} Thomson View 15 6 292 84 74
26Donna Stanton View 16 6 -428 84 72
27Maurice Brown View 16 6 -444 84 72
28Fidelis Olotu View 16 6 -498 84 72
29Len Moir View 16 5 -546 84 65
30Pauline Johnson View 16 5 -851 84 65
31Anne Ramsay View 16 4 -929 84 59
32Raymond Tate View 15 3 -532 84 54
Division A 

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