ScotOpen09 Scottish Open Sunday May 17th 2009
Scottish Open Division A
1Neil Scott (GM) View 12 10 896 192 197
2Sheena Wilson View 12 9 684 122 140
3Caroline Foy View 12 9 411 110 137
4Allan Simmons (GM) View 12 9 365 188 188
5Bob Christie View 12 8 688 127 127
6Helen Gipson (GM) View 12 8 494 197 183
7Alan Sinclair View 12 8 337 162 182
8Iain Harley View 12 8 278 141 175
9Gordon Winter View 12 8 228 107 131
10Melanie Beaumont View 12 7 661 154 156
11Marjory Flight View 12 7 314 139 118
12Simon Gillam (Exp) View 12 7 263 155 171
13Agnes Gunn View 12 7 258 111 116
14Michael Harley View 12 7 235 127 123
15Azu Ogbogu (Exp) View 12 7 216 184 170
16Helen Polhill View 12 7 185 117 123
17Amy Byrne View 12 7 154 168 161
18Alan Georgeson View 12 7 64 151 165
19Raymond Tate View 12 7 -4 160 171
20Joy Hodge View 12 7 -78 109 123
21Tom Wilson View 12 7 -107 146 161
22Ken McGinness View 12 7 -128 97 117
23Julie Tate View 12 6 130 112 108
24Margaret Armstrong View 12 6 126 149 163
25Margaret Harkness View 12 6 -4 128 150
26Anne Ramsay View 12 6 -87 151 157
27Carol Malkin View 12 6 -229 133 140
28Colin Nicol View 12 6 -373 135 139
29Cyndy Walker-Firth View 12 5.5 -229 115 101
30Wilma Warwick View 12 5 320 164 141
31Kate Surtees View 12 5 191 148 139
32May Macdonald View 12 5 92 117 98
33Lorraine Gordon View 12 5 0 151 141
34Linda Bradford View 12 5 -45 124 99
35Ian Whyte View 12 5 -57 97 96
36Marion Keatings View 12 5 -160 160 138
37Moya Dewar View 12 5 -201 137 134
38Lena Glass View 12 5 -248 105 102
39Mary Jones View 12 4 -364 134 125
40Sylvia Swaney View 12 4 -532 138 124
41Helgemarie Farrow View 12 4 -828 130 124
42Doreen Jarvie View 12 3.5 -219 90 86
43Sheila{Perth} Anderson View 12 3 -349 127 114
44Rena Waddell View 12 3 -548 89 84
45Nigel Sibbett View 12 3 -562 119 117
46Alec Robertson View 12 3 -565 140 118
47Martin Byrne View 12 3 -772 97 83
48Linda Hopley View 12 3 -901 80 80
Division A 

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