NomadsAug24 Nottingham Nomads Saturday August 3rd 2024
Nottingham Nomads Division C
1Curtis Irubor View 8 7.5 779 127 147
2Margaret Pritchett View 8 6 832 121 125
3Paul Cartman View 8 6 0 111 131
4Michael Thomas View 8 5.5 296 128 121
5Bridget Wardell View 8 4 -14 84 96
6Irene Newberry View 8 3 -125 95 84
7Maisie Culpin View 8 3 -149 89 86
8Christine Cartman View 8 2 -439 97 70
9June Boagey View 8 2 -744 69 69
10Judith Moore View 8 1 -436 63 55
Division A Division B Division C 
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