NomadsAug24 Nottingham Nomads Saturday August 3rd 2024
Nottingham Nomads Division A
1Robert Richland (Exp) View 8 6 485 163 192
2Wayne Kelly (GM) View 8 5.5 148 174 183
3Lee Jones View 8 5 563 170 176
4Natalie Zolty (Exp) View 8 5 -114 175 177
5Rob Blundell View 8 4 -165 153 168
6Ash Coldrick View 8 2.5 -179 164 146
7Russell Byers (GM) View 8 2 -174 167 141
8Andrew Eames View 8 2 -564 157 141
Division A Division B Division C 
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