UK-Scrabble output for NewcastleSep19

Newcastle  21st September 2019 results from Craig Beevers (GM).
7 rounds.

Division A

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 141 172 142   5   +534 Colin Nicol
  2 171 168 171   5   +472 Colin Northmore
  3 152 170 154   5   +119 Amy Byrne
  4 149 156 150   4    +80 Nick Lynch
  5 151 156 151   4    -85 Jackie McLeod (Exp)
  6 135 144 136   3    -33 Pauline Johnson
  7 158 127 156   2   -280 Martin Thompson
  8 137 101 134   0   -807 Laura Finley

Division B

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 125 158 127   6   +354 Samantha Beckwith
  2 125 144 126   5   +175 Rose Kingdom
  3 121 137 121   4½  -113 John Harrison
  4 116 124 117   3½   +64 Viv Beckmann
  5 120 116 120   3    +44 Rory Kemp
  6 125 101 124   2   -101 Margaret Burdon
  7 127 101 125   2   -209 Geoff Cooper
  8 122 101 121   2   -214 Angela Brodie

Division C

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, Brian Archer's 14-game rating of 92 was reset to a 21-game rating of 79 and the division was recalculated.

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1  69 111  72   6   +289 Lucy Beckmann
  2 115 101 114   5   +554 Elisabeth{Clvlnd} Allen
  3  97  96  97   5   +102 Rona Falconer
  4  50  67  51   3    -67 Lynn Archer
  5  81  67  80   3   -102 Sheila Smith
  6  50  53  50   2    -65 June Boagey
  7  62  54  62   2   -223 Judith Moore
  8  79  53  78   2   -488 Brian Archer

updated: September 21 2019 17:15:13.