UK-Scrabble output for EssexLg1718M13

Essex League match 1st July 2018 results from James Burley.
9 rounds.

The Blank Robbers [Essex]: 13 wins  -515

Old Prf New  WW Spread
170 182 170   6   +443 Craig Solomons
131 159 133   4   -369 Ayaz Kazi
130 148 132   3   -589 Nick Jenkins

The Outsiders [Essex]: 14 wins  +515

Old Prf New  WW Spread
167 160 166   6   +658 Vince Boyle
157 160 158   6   +316 Tim Knight
171 116 166   2   -459 Rafal Dominiczak

updated: July 07 2018 10:32:48.