UK-Scrabble output for EdinburghNov18

2018 Edinburgh Open Scrabble Tournament 24th November 2018 results from Ross MacKenzie.
7 rounds.

Division A

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 184 213 186   7   +497 Helen Gipson (GM)
  2 151 190 153   5    +84 Alan Sinclair
  3 177 172 176   4   +165 Neil Scott (GM)
  4 168 166 168   4   +145 Chris Cummins
  5 175 170 174   4     -8 Anand Buddhdev
  6 142 167 144   4   -129 Colin Nicol
  7 150 150 150   3    +11 Wilma Warwick
  8 143 148 143   3   -117 Marion Keatings
  9 151 153 151   3   -202 Amy Byrne
 10 167 141 166   2    -83 James Squires
 11 160 141 158   2   -154 Ross MacKenzie
 12 164 121 162   1   -209 James Burley

Division B

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1 139 163 140   6   +779 Sandra Hoffland
  2 136 164 141   6   +310 Brian McNaughton
  3 116 158 119   5½   +51 Maria Marczak
  4 132 134 131   4    +62 Kenneth Ross
  5 137 138 137   4     -3 Mary Jones
  6 114 129 115   3½  -193 Caroline Foy
  7 129 123 129   3    -34 Yvonne Holland
  8 134 122 133   3    -45 Alec Robertson
  9 123 122 123   3    -70 Sheena Wilson
 10 125 122 125   3   -187 Heather Laird
 11 133 113 131   2½  +193 Anne Steward
 12 122 108 121   2   -344 Ken McGinness
 13 133 105 132   2   -421 Moya Dewar
 14 128 100 125   1½   -98 Margaret Armstrong

Division C

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, Nancy Tooley's 7-game rating of 69 was reset to a 14-game rating of 54 and the division was recalculated.

Pos Old Prf New  WW Spread

  1  93 147  97   7   +573 Joyce Clegg
  2  75 119  82   5   +419 Rory Kemp
  3 103 109 103   5   +318 Isobel Gillies
  4 100 114 101   5   -107 Jennifer Payne
  5 105  99 105   4    +52 Carol Grant
  6 113 102 112   4    -30 Juliet Green
  7 100  82  98   3   +165 Aileen Morrison
  8 105  82 104   3    +88 John Fyfe
  9  62  82  67   3   -110 Grant Wallace
 10  90  86  90   3   -136 Lena Glass
 11  91  80  90   3   -230 Beverley Raeburn
 12  96  60  93   2    -64 Sybil Berrecloth
 13  76  66  75   2   -157 Steven Morrice
 14  54  50  52   0   -781 Nancy Tooley

updated: November 25 2018 00:36:09.