UK-Scrabble output for EssexLeague16M09

Essex League match 4th June 2016 results from Peter Thorpe.
9 rounds.

Bingo Landslide and the Beasty Boys [Essex]: 13 wins  -705

Old Prf New  WW Spread
149 154 149   5   +197 Andrew Eames
119 149 122   5    -45 Peter Thorpe
144 132 143   3   -857 Nicky Huitson

The Blank Robbers [Essex]: 14 wins  +705

Old Prf New  WW Spread
176 171 175   7   +931 Craig Solomons
138 143 139   5   +102 Noel Barnes
132 110 130   2   -328 Nick Jenkins

updated: June 05 2016 03:24:36.