Vectis05A Saturday November 5th 2005
Division A
1Alastair Richards (GM) View 5 5 526 148 205
2Amy Byrne View 5 4 529 164 180
3Moira Conway View 5 4 330 157 179
4Graeme Thomas  5 4 288 155 175
5Bob Lynn View 5 4 255 151 185
6Graham Harding View 5 4 232 164 181
7Helen Harding View 5 3 256 159 157
8Noel Turner View 5 3 105 156 149
9Maureen Chamberlain View 5 3 71 154 160
10Cecil Muscat View 5 3 64 164 164
11Alan Bailey View 5 3 58 155 161
12Phil Kelly View 5 3 47 140 168
13Elisabeth Jardine View 5 3 36 164 163
14Peter Thomas View 5 3 -34 148 165
15Margaret Pritchett View 5 3 -40 136 161
16Wanda De_Poitiers View 5 2 -1 152 149
17Frankie Mairey View 5 2 -82 158 135
18Penny Downer (Exp) View 5 2 -83 169 148
19Maureen Reynolds View 5 2 -94 141 146
20Margaret Bright  5 2 -113 150 146
21Janet Phillips View 5 2 -115 155 138
22Jim Lyes View 5 2 -159 132 147
23Pam Titheradge  5 2 -256 145 148
24Lois McLeod View 5 2 -400 139 143
25Maureen Rayson  5 1 15 152 115
26Mary Oram View 5 1 -179 140 128
27Mike Whiteoak View 5 1 -192 164 118
28Eleanor Dobson View 5 1 -307 143 120
29Karen Richards View 5 1 -315 169 128
30Carole Rison View 5 0 -442 147 107
Division A 

For pre-2016 tournaments start and prf ratings may be inaccurate. The results data is as complete as is currently available.

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